Technology has a lot of importance in our lives. Without technological advancements, our lives would not have been simpler and faster. These days, technology researchers are using artificial intelligence to design devices that can determine whether the person is affected by coronavirus or not by just analyzing the sound of their cough, the way they speak or even breathe.

Coughing and sneezing were commonly the symptoms of the bubonic plague pandemic that destroyed Rome in the late sixth century. The origins of the kind phrase, “God bless you,” after a person coughs or sneezes, is often attached to Pope Gregory I, who believed that this prayer would offer protection from death. The flu-like symptoms associated with the plague co-occur during the current Covid-19 pandemic as well, to the extent where “normal” coughs signify immediate alarm and concern. However, in the present technologically advanced times, we need not resort only to prayers. We can now develop advanced AI models that learn multiple acoustic features to distinguish between cough sounds from Covid-19 positive and otherwise healthy patients.

An illustration of the sound signals taken from the dataset, obtained using a mobile phone. The top row presents the time domain waveforms, and the bottom row shows the corresponding time-frequency representations. These time-frequency representations are called spectrograms and indicate high (in red) and low (in blue) energy regions in the sound signal across each point in the time-frequency planes.

How does a person’s sound help in detecting COVID-19?

The European Research Council (ERC) article states that since COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, the sounds like heartbeats, sighs, breathing, and sneezing, are indicators of Covid-19 and, as such, a powerful source of medical information. AI researchers have collected cough sound data from the general public via mobile apps and websites and developed AI solutions for cough-based prescreening tools. The dataset includes samples from healthy and asymptomatic individuals, as well as COVID-19 patients. The dataset has two types of speech recordings: a complete sentence and a set of vowel sounds sustained for a few seconds, such as aaa or eee, to capture the finer details of the human voice box. Though a human ear cannot differentiate these features, AI models are trained in such a way that they can discriminate between a cough from a Covid-19 positive and negative patient.

Signal processing techniques such as filtering and voice activity detection, the recorded speech signal, which is in a digital format, are preprocessed to remove unwanted components and background noise. The preprocessed speech signal are applying feature extraction algorithms to extract traits that describe the speech signal. These characteristics are used as information to the AI algorithm to identify a pattern or intrinsic parameter associated with that pattern. 

“Since the voice production mechanism is so complicated and dependent on cognitive abilities, any factor that affects your body or your mind will reflect in your voice. The changes can be in fractions of seconds -- what we call “micro” signature, that are not audible to the untrained listener,” said Rita Singh, a computer sciences research professor at the Carnegie Mellon University, whose team created the COVID Voice Detector.


Would you trust the results of a Covid-19 test based on the sounds of your voice or cough? Why or why not? Join the conversation below.

 The terms "Data in the cloud" and "Big data" are often used interchangeably. One may believe they have the same meaning, but this is far from the truth. To understand the difference between these two, you must first have basic knowledge about them.

Data in the cloud means the data stored in the cloud. When the person thinks about cloud storage, they will likely think about storing files (for instance: songs, videos, and applications) on a remote server that you can retrieve from multiple devices. Cloud storage is essentially a system that allows you to store data on the Internet, as you would save on a computer. Whether you talk about Google Drive, DropBox, or iCloud, the definition of cloud storage remains the same. It allows you to upload data through the Internet to cloud-based servers. Once you store your data on the cloud, you, or any other person you give access to, can access it from multiple devices using the Internet as a medium. Best Cloud Storage Systems include: Google Drive, Dropbox Business, OneDrive, Apple iCloud, Dropbox, and Box.

In simple layman's terms, Big Data is a large amount of structured, unstructured, semi-structured data that you can use for analysis purposes. It is a term used to describe data that is huge in amount and which keeps growing with time. You can utilize this data to track and mine information for analysis or research purposes. Big Data is more of a marketing word. It signifies that the Data today is so Big that you cannot examine all of it at once due to the amount of memory (RAM) available that will be required to hold the Data. Data is a lot more than the memory available. This data is generated in High Volume, velocity, and variety.

Are Big data and the cloud – a perfect match?

Big data projects typically get started with data storage and the application of basic analytics modules. However, as you find concepts to extract data at a much larger scale, you will need to find better methods to process and analyze data, in which you will likely require infrastructure upgrades.

You may add more functions to your in-house data warehouse or power up more servers to cater to the rapidly-increasing analytics necessities. But even with the hike of your on-premise systems, your base eventually may not be able to sustain. This is where the cloud comes in, or big data goes to the cloud.

If you have any queries please feel free to discuss them with us in the comment section below or send us a word at We promise to be quick to answer.

Chatbots are not new in the tech world. The thought of designing a machine (chatbot) that had humanlike thinking once seemed like an illusion, but now its application is beginning to influence the industry. ChatBots might sound like an alien, but you have no idea what we all have accomplished by chatbots. They are not only gaining popularity in the business world, but people are also implementing bots in their businesses.

Now, let us first understand what does a bot means?

A bot is an artificial intelligence software designed to perform a list of activities on its own without the help of a human being. A bot can do tasks such as marking a date on the calendar, making a reservation at a restaurant, or collecting and presenting information to its users and notifying the user about the weather, etc. The most common example of a bot is a chatbot.

Chatbots are automated responses or chat support that interacts with humans via text messages. They are also known as chat robot, chatterbox, etc. They help you proactively engage with customers. They answer basic how-to questions, enabling agents to concentrate on complicated issues. They help the agents by saving their time and also benefit their potency. 

How does a Chatbot work?

Chatbots are of two different types, a Rule-based bot, and artificial intelligence(AI)bot. 

Rule-based bot:

A rule-based bot answers questions based on some fixed rules i.e. they respond to fixed commands. The creation of these bots is relatively straightforward so, if a person asks it the wrong thing, the bot will not recognize what the question implies, and therefore, will not provide an appropriate answer. 

Artificial intelligence(AI) bot:


AI is the technology that enables the bot to learn from the intercommunications it has with the end-users. They can work based on a set of instructions or use machine learning. A chatbot that uses machine learning works great because it has an artificial brain. The bot understands not only commands but also languages. The user, therefore, does not have to use precise words to receive the right or helpful responses.

Generally, Chatbots uses artificial intelligence to communicate with people and deliver related content or recommendations.

Merits of chatbots

Chatbots are made to ease the pain that the industries are facing today. The goal of chatbots is to support and scale business teams in their relations with customers. It could live in any major chat applications like Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Text Messages, etc. 

1) Cost-Effective:

Business owners have to pay their employees to operate a chatbot 24/7. As your business develops, this expense will also grow. Chatbots are a kind of investment that supports firms by cutting down on staffing expenses. It not only saves money but also helps saves the time that customer service agents have to spend solving mild problems. The reduction in staff size can help your organization save money.

2) Better customer engagement: 

Humans are bound to change emotions. On the other hand, Chatbots restrict themselves by some rules, and they have to obey them. They will always excellently approach a customer no matter how rough the person is or how much foul language the person uses. They do not end up annoying users with irrelevant information. Instead, they grasp the customer's attention for a longer time by sharing compelling content.

3) Accessible anytime:

One of the biggest advantages of chatbots is that they are available for your customers 24/7. Since chatbots are virtual robots that never get bored or tired and continue to follow your request. They will continue to serve every day throughout the year without taking any rest.

4) Handling capacity:

Customers want all of their issues to be resolve as quickly as possible. When you don't solve their queries in time, they may shift to another company that offers better customer service. Humans can only talk with one human at a time, Chatbots can concurrently have conversations with thousands of people.

Snags about Chatbot

1) Made to Handle First-Level Questions

One of the greatest drawbacks of chatbots is that they have been designed to handle first-level questions only. If your resource doesn’t include answers to a specific question by any customer, your bot may fail to address the concerns that the customer has.

2) Requires Maintenance

Chatbots requires sustenance and optimization in terms of their experience base and the way they are supposed to interact with your customers.

You need to feed them with fresh, insightful content that they can apply to revert back to their customers requests and questions. 

For this, you need to examine the communications your bots have and recognize the most frequent questions that your customers demand. You can then add answers to these questions to the knowledge base.

Wrapping Up

Chatbots have several advantages and disadvantages. However, with the introduction of new technologies and software solutions, the merits outweigh the drawbacks.

If new questions arise or you want to learn more about this exciting technology, feel free to discuss them with us in the comment section below or send us a word at We promise to be quick to answer.

In the modern world, nearly every little thing is at our fingertips, not just restricted to unlocking our gadgets or doors with our fingerprints, but even to make purchases. Being adequate to purchase anything you want with the touch of a finger may have seemed like an illusion a few years ago, but this is now a reality. With the improvement in e-commerce, online shopping has developed exponentially. You can now amend your closet from the comfort of your home. However, have you ever been in a car or a train or running out of meetings, and Amazon or Flipkart has a flash sale? You are close enough to buy that new footwear you wanted at half of its price, then it comes to payment, and it's almost impossible to fill out your details while on the move. Well, there is a solution. A new technology called touch commerce is in growth. Now the question which arises is what Touch commerce means? 

What is touch commerce?

Touch commerce is a new automation that empowers customers to make digital payments with a single touch or a few touches on the screen through their mobile fingerprint scanners. Touch commerce provides software and analytics that generate real-time customer results, permitting clients to refine the individual visitor paths that lead to higher conversion without adding extra traffic.

Touch commerce also enables you, the customer, to make secured purchases through applications without necessitating to provide login details. It is as smooth as delivering a fingerprint ID or taps on the screen of your device. An illustration of this would be using your fingerprint ID to make Google play store or Apple Store purchases. It also covers online shopping tools such as social media, which allows customers to communicate with a company or online brand.

Touch Commerce

How does touch commerce work? 

Touch commerce serves in two distinct ways. Both of which make use of third-party touch-based mobile payment services.

1) Operating system

In this system, shopping applications can use existing information that is in the Operating system. This information will contain card payment details, home address, and contact number. It is attached to the operating system. This payment method is demonstrated by a fingerprint scanner, enabling software that is within the app.

2) Payment Servive Providers

In this alternative option, touch-based payment services are connected with pre-existing payment service providers (for example Paypal). Before performing any purchase using Touch commerce, customers need to have opened an account with the relative payment provider. Customers have to stay logged-in to this provider to make later purchases using Touch commerce. Once customers have done this, they will be able to select payment and confirm the shopping. After that, they will receive their payment details through this third-party payment service.  

Essentially, touch commerce allows customers to make secure payments on any online shopping application without going through the task of filling in pages of registration information and card details. Third-party mobile payment services act as authenticators and the data providers allow payments within seconds at the touch of a button.

Perks of Touch Commerce 

Touch commerce automation is on-demand in the online market and has earned a lot of fame. Commendations are to the increased customer's desire toward online purchasing and online payments through smartphones. Most of the latest gadgets and devices are with fingerprint sensors that obtain the users saved payment information and complete the transaction in a single touch. Some perks that this technology offers to the customers and businesses are:

 For Customers:

  • Cashless transactions
  • Protected single click payments
  • The better payment checkout practice
  • Enhanced faith through 24/7 customer support and transaction report  

For Businesses:

  • More enhanced customer affinity
  • Reduces manpower dependency
  • Improved online sales values
  • Better services

Duncan Stewart, director of TMT Research at Deloitte in Canada, said the reason for the rise is retailers are making it easier for customers to use phones to make transactions. “I think they finally got around to it,” he said, "That sounds slightly humorous, but it’s true.”