Google Stack app: A special app for scanning documents

Have you ever missed a bill to apply for a refund? Or an important income tax return that has been left somewhere in the house? Or are you looking for a place to keep your important documents somewhere online? The American Tech giant Google has launched a new and extremely useful tool called 'Google Stack.' It is an app that allows you to digitize all kinds of documents, receipt, files and automatically save them in Google Drive, in a new folder called "Stacks". This app is similar to CamScanner. 


  • Google Stack App records and archives.
  • The app will specially display the important days in the scanned documents, for example the last day to pay any bill.
  • The stack is powered by Google's advanced security and sign-in technology.


Stack's team leader, Christopher Pedregal, said, "I joined Google a few years ago, when my education startup, Socratic, was acquired. I used Google's computer vision and language understanding for Socratic high school students So that they can learn easily. I wondered if we could make an app to organize the document using the same technology. That's where I got the idea. "


This app has been developed by Google's experimental application development team, Area 120, and will allow us to keep in a cloud, all that documentation that we usually have on the table or stored in a drawer: invoices, purchase receipts, various documents insurance companies, banks, etc everything can be easily digitized using Stack. 

But the app does not stop at a simple "scan". The novelty is that using Artificial Intelligence, "Stack" can detect what information is truly important in each digitized document. However, it has been made available only for American Android users. Indian users may have to wait for this now. According to the founder of the stack, the app is still at the initial level.

Documents, bills, receipts can be scanned through a smartphone camera. These can be saved safely by users. The app automatically saves different types of scanned copies by category. It uses Google's Language Recognition and Optical Character Recognition.

The app detects important details such as account numbers, bill arrears, and expiration dates in scanned documents. It also alerts users about bill payments and due dates. You can search the file location in the app using the information in the documents as keywords. With this integrated search you can easily find out in which section the relevant document is stored.


Documents will be scanned in a PDF file

Pedregal said that this app will scan bills, documents, and receipts in a PDF file and will automatically give those files the name of the stack. The app will let you scan documents fast for the required information. The app will identify important information such as date or total amount and will show it at the top.

Improved security 

The Google Scanner app has enhanced security features. To keep data more secure, in addition to traditional encryption, Google allows the use of fingerprints or facial recognition.  Copies of documents can be exported to Google Drive and saved through the app. Google has introduced stack as an experimental app from their company. It is unclear whether Google will continue this experimental app. It is currently available for Android users in the United States. Google has not commented on whether the app will be made available to users in other countries. Currently, US users can download the stack app for free from the Google Play Store.


Document scanning apps such as Cam Scanner and Adobe Scan are currently gaining popularity around the world. If the Google Stack App is made available worldwide, it will provide stiff competition to other competing companies. This is because the existing scanning apps do not work with AI capabilities. Experts are therefore evaluating the possibility that the stack app, which has a wide range of features, has the upper hand over other apps.


  1. Excellent development in this area . Nicely covered 💯

  2. This could actually give a tough competition to the currently available apps if released all over. Nicely covered.

  3. A well-written article. 👌


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